"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"The Best DVD"

I know I know you probably were hoping for a good movie or something right? I hate to disappoint you, but this has become my new favorite DVD. Honestly for any of you that are pregnant, going to get pregnant, or want lose that fun baby weight then use this. It was only $14 and I got it off of overstock.com. If anyone wants any info. on this then please email me or let me know it's: cari.duncan@hotmail.com It is mostly a cardio DVD and it really really tones your glutes, thighs, great for the pelvis, and even your side stomach muscles. The best part about it though is that it is safe for baby and you, even better if your not pregnant and can do it more to the max. Anyhow I just had to write about how much I truly loved this DVD. Also to my little mind at ease all of my mommy friends let me know how much weight you gained during pregnancy. I would like some input just so I can feel better about my lovely weight gain :) isn't it fun... Only if you don't mind disclosing to me I would love to hear thanks ladies :)

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