"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Monday, June 29, 2009

"From 3lbs to 12lbs"

So I just thought it would be fun to compare a couple of pictures here. I wanted to show how small Devin really was at birth compared to him now at 12lbs and 3months old. Wow where does the time go he is getting sooo big already, I wont complain though I just want him healthy. So this is Dev's most recent 3 month old pic and his first born NICU pic enjoy........
NICU to NOW!!!!!! Wow what a difference!

"Our Sunday At The Park"

Not to much to say, except that we couldn't resist the beautiful day it was Sunday. We decided to meet my parents and hang out. Devin loves just hanging in the shade and kicking around on his blanky :) he is a sily little guy. He smiles up a storm now and coos all over the place, I can't wait for the giggle to happen. Enjoy our pics below...........