"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Time In The Highchair

Well I can't believe I feel like I am already watching my little baby grow before my eyes!! He looks soooo big in his high chair. Tonight was his first night eating at the table like a big boy with mommy and daddy. I just love these pictures, the second one down cracks me up. It's a face like "what"? You want me to do what lol.... It was the cutest, but all the rest of the pictures he is all smiles :) He just brightens my day, even when I'm feeling sick he makes it all worth it. I just realize everytime I feel miserable that this is temporary, and I can look at little Devin and see the end result. It is such an amazing feeling to know I have made and I am making these beautiful little humans. Well enjoy the Pictures (what a cutie!! )

Trying To Juggle

Alright so I was sitting here thinking how crazy life is going to get! Well I then realized that it already is :) I mean how soon we forget what morning sickness is when you see your beautiful new baby! Well I've got news for everyone it's all rushing back now and I remember. I'm just now starting to not feel well, and dividing your time with a 5 month old to boot is hard enough. You know with your first pregnancy if you were tired you slept, hungry you ate, felt lazy you could be lazy. Well no no no not this time around, what a wake up call. I have to say though, through all of it I am still so excited to meet another baby! I cannot believe that Devin will already have a sibling. Our family is just growing rapidly and we couldn't be happier. I just thought while I was laying here next to my sweet baby boy who is sleeping :) that I would write down some thoughts. I just hope I can get up without getting dizzy, that's the newest thing starting to happen with this pregnancy. I can only hope for another baby as good and easy as Devin!