"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Can't Forget Father's Day"

Dear Chris,

I don't even know where to begin on telling you what a wonderful father you really are!! I always knew that you were going to be a great daddy, but you really blew me away. It started with one, and then there came two :) It was then that I realized I was the luckiest girl around. The way that you interact with Devin just melts my heart. Now with Addison here you melt it even more. There is just something about a daddy and their little girl. Not to mention what an amazing husband you are, aside from being a great daddy.

I truly feel so grateful to have you in my life, and to call myself your wife. You have been there for me no matter what, through thick and thin. You have always loved me unconditonally, not many people can say that about their spouse, but I can. I feel we have been given a load in just a years time. We have achieved getting two babies here, and not to mention that they were preemies. We have been on an emotional rollercoaster for quite sometime, and I just wouldn't want to be on this ride with anyone else. I love you so much, and don't think I tell you enough. I appreciate all that you do to allow me to stay home with our children. You truly are a great man! Devin and Addison are going to realize soon enough just how lucky they are! I know this already, because you and I am so lucky to have you :)

I love that at night when the babies go to bed we just sit and talk, laugh, and just snuggle with eachother. I love that you send sweet messages through out the day telling me what an amazing mom I am. You always know how to brighten my day, and I truly would be lost without you. I love you sweetie! I could go on and on about how wonderful you are. I will just wrap up by telling you that you are the BEST in my book. Definitely the best daddy around, and an outstanding husband! I hope that you had a great Father's Day. We all sure loved spending it with you :)


"My Little Addi Is 4 Months"

Ok so you can't tell me this isn't the cutest smile EVER?!! I don't know how I caught the perfect moment and captured this, but I did. Addison has yet to have her four month check up. We will be seeing the doctor on June 29th. So judging from my scales she is over 10lbs now woo hoo!! I know that sounds insane for a 4 month old, but when you start at 2 1/2 we have to cut her some slack right?! :) So just to name a few adorable things that she is doing now.......
1.) Smiles all over the place!
2.) Reaches for hanging toys!
3.) Can grab, and hold onto certain objects!
4.) Bares full weight on her legs, and stands like a champ!
5.) Holds her own little head up perfect!
6.) Can sit up with just a little something behind her!
7.) Loves belly time, and can lift head atleast 45 degrees!
8.) She coos and talks (It's sooo adorable)
9.) Almost out of her acid reflux stage (THANK GOODNESS)
10.) Last but not least, she sleeps atleast 6 hours straight sometimes 7 (yesssss) Not bad considering I was getting up 4-5 times a night with her. Preemies are VERY high maintenance!!
So that is my little sweet pea in a nut shell right now!! I love my little princess, and can't wait to see what month 5 brings!!!