To Our Precious Bundle,
Addison mommy and daddy can't even describe to you just how special you really are!! We see you as a definite gift from above. You were due to be born at 28 to 29 weeks, and were a good candidate for severe health problems. It was once that I was in the hospital on bedrest and decided to say a quiet prayer. I asked Heavenly Father to please to make this experience hard on me and not on you. I asked that if he were going to have you come that early, that he make you not struggle. I told him to please put all difficulties on me, whether it be my surgery, or getting you here, etc...... I just prayed so hard that you could stay in a little longer and be healthy. Sure enough the lord answered my prayers. Even though I was devestated that I had to be in the hospital so long, it bought you so much more time to develop. Let me just tell you little Addi it was the most difficult thing mommy had done so far. I know now that my prayer was answered, because the lord did exactly what I asked, he put all the difficulty on me, and DID NOT make you struggle. He took care of you and made sure that you came developed enough and healthy. This is why my little precious that mommy and daddy had you blessed in this gospel, because we know that Heavenly Father had a large hand in bringing you to us, and we are forever grateful. We love you and are already so proud of what a beautiful little lady you are. I know brother doesn't pay to much attention to you yet, be he loves you so much, and can't wait until you are little bigger to play with. You two will be the best of friends. We love you are little princess, and pray and hope that you are truly BLESSED through out your life!!
Mommy, Daddy, and Devin :)
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