"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Tuesday Concert Night Out"

Well I got tickets to this concert through my sister and her boyfriend! They were so nice to invite my mom and I along. Chris was a great hubby as usual, and took on our two little monsters, so I could go out for the evening. This is my sister and her boyfriend below.......This concert was outside for Chris Isaac at Red Butte Gardens! It is sooo pretty there, and I had never been to a concert there, so I really enjoyed. We had this "Random" as I liked to call him, jump into our picture. My sister and I were getting our picture taken when this guy walked by. He asked "Can I be in the picture"? We said sure why not, so that is how we got this funny picture.....
I Really enjoyed getting out, and going to the concert with you all!! I love summer. It seems like Chris and I have something daily between all each of our families. It is all fun stuff though, and I love getting out all the time :)

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