"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Devin's Twin"

So I had to post about this really quickly. It all started with my brother calling Devin "jack jack". He is the little baby off of The Incredibles movie. We always tease that Dev's ears poke out, but they are so adorable to me of course. Also his big eyes, and the famous mohawk on top :) So I found a picture of "jack jack" online, and wanted to post it next to a picture of Devin. I needed to have a post for a minute that was fun, and not about bed rest. So let's see what you all think: Does Devin look like "jack jack"? Leave your comment :).........


Andrew said...

definitely twins!

The Duncan's 365 said...

Andy hey!!! I miss you, I'm so glad that you wrote to me. I hope you are doing well :) we would love to see you sometime.

Lenice said...


Anonymous said...

amazing look alike!!!