"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So I found this new chrisitian blog that I just love! I am of the LDS faith, but it doesn't matter to me :) christian is christian. This lady has such great posts, and is very spiritual. I need some of that daily to get me up and going! So thankful thursday is one of her posts for every thursday, and today was on be thankful for mother's, since mother's day is coming up Sunday. So please enjoy the post.
This week, since Sunday is Mother's Day, I would like for us to share with each other why we are thankful for our Mothers. Some may have a mom who is their best friend. Some may have a mom in Heaven. Some of us may have never had the chance to meet our moms or haven't seen our moms since we were young. Some of us have more than one mom due to divorce. And some of us may be blessed with women who raised us that were not our biological mothers but "moms" nonetheless.
I am grateful for my mom, because she goes above and beyond the call of duty!! She is constantly taking care of me, and doing things for my 2 babies all the time! Devin and Addison are so lucky to have her as a grandma, mom I love you and thank you so much for being my mom , and giving me life :) I was not raised LDS or of any religion for that matter. I am so thankful that my mom no matter what kept prayer in our home, and taught us who heavenly father and christ were. She wanted to offer that to us no matter what, so that we could choose from there if we wanted them both in our lives. I chose to have them in my life when I was baptized to the LDS church.
I want to hear "why are you all thankful for your moms"?

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