"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"We Made It To Monday"

Well it looks like from what the doctors are saying, little Addison should have been here last week. Considering her condition they can't believe that she is hanging in there. She is a fighter, that is what all nurses at maternal fetal medicine say about her. So I guess right now it is just a wait game, we know it is coming soon. If we can get her to Tuesday, then we will have hit 30 wks. That would be unbelievable, considering they were predicting 28-29wks for her. She is going to be a sassy one I'm afraid. I just want this to all be over, it has really taken a toll on Chris and I. We aren't interested in another stressful pregnancy ANYTIME SOON!!! Thank you all again for checking in, I appreciate all of your offers to help. Monday is another big appt, so I will be putting up a post for that as well. To be continued.........

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