"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Friday, January 15, 2010

"Rocky News"

So the latest for all that have been wondering. We had baby girls ultrasound and growth scan on Wednesday. She was two weeks prior in the 11th percentile for weight, and weighed 1lb 5oz. She was now 1lb 10oz, and dropped to the 6th percentile. So what happened is what we did not want to happen. She is more than likely going to be delivered in the next two weeks, she would only be 29 weeks, and roughly 1lb 15oz. She did not pass her two tests today that she needed to, so we have to return to labor and delivery tomorrow to repeat them. If she doesn't pass again then I will have to be admitted to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy. I pray honestly that she can pass tomorrow. The doctors are not wanting her born before 29 weeks, it can be alot worse just those two weeks will make a huge difference for her. I am now running through my head all of the problems she could have medically etc... I am really starting to get scared of what is to come. We could be looking at anywhere from a 60-90 day NICU stay! Please all say a nice prayer for baby girl if you think about it. I am so nervous and all I have right now is prayer, and putting everything in gods hands. I believe that he doesn't give you more than you can handle, so why this I cannot answer. For whatever reason though he thinks Chris and I will get through it, and handle it the best that we can. I will either be home tomorrow to blog her tests results, or I will be getting put in the hospital for a while. Thank you all again for you love and support lately it means more than you know to our little family. We are regardless excited to meet our precious baby girl, and we will love her no matter what. Until tomorrow to be continued..........


Lenice said...

Cari, I just read your blog. I hope all went well today. You will definitely be in my prayers. Hang in there!!

zac, kami & zion said...

Cari, it was good seeing you yesterday. I hope everything went ok. Love you girl!

Eric and Suzanne said...

Hope everything is alright. Please let me know if I can do anything. Seriously. Anything at all.

Shelley Fairbanks said...

Good luck girl! You're in our prayers. We're thinking about you. Please update us soon.