"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Daddy's first kick"

I titled this post this way because as you saw two days prior the little man has been moving ALOT!So last night when I was laying in bed he became very active, and I noticed I could feel it with my hand. So I hurried and told Chris to put his hand in a certain spot so he could feel the baby moving, well I was really hoping that he could anyways. Just then a big one and Chris's hand was right on it perfectly! It was amazing I wish I truly would of had the camera right there, because Chris's face was priceless. He was so excited that he had got to feel that finally! He looked at me with a grin ear to ear. I definately thought this was worth posting for everyone to read about! We are just so excited about every little thing that happens, I mean this is our first pregnancy so what do you expect :) Now I just can't wait until I get around family and friends and they can feel it when it happens too. I know that it has become strong enough for people besides me to feel now! Thank goodness because I was hating the waiting between doctor appointments. I was always worried if he was still in there okay, with not feeling movement yet I wondered. Now daily I am getting movement and know that he is more alive than ever and strong at that :) Well I hope that you all enjoyed this little bit of info. that was special to Chris and I.


The Bringhurst Bunch! said...

Oh it is so fun!! We are so excited for you guys! You will be great parents!

Mckel said...

Oh fun! I don't think there is anything more amazing than that! I'm so happy for you guys! Love you blog by the way!