So I found this image of what a fetus looks like at 11 weeks. This is my third pregnancy, and yet it still never ceases to amaze me!! I actually am only a few days away from being 12 weeks already. I just wanted to post the week I am still currently in. So far so good with everything. I don't know if you all saw my earlier post, but I am doing heparin injections to myself now twice a day. I can't lie they really arent very pleasant, but hey whatever means getting a bigger full term baby right?! Chris and I are getting excited, but boy are our lives going to change drastically. So far I truly did not get sick this time, which is awesome. I feel great actually, and have to be honest I am leaning towards this being a boy! I feel alot more like Idid when I was prego with Devin. So being that I have had a boy and girl, certain symptoms are all I have to go off of. I could totally be wrong though and they tell me that I am getting another girl :) truly I am lucky to get one of each, so we really don't mind what this one is. I just want more than anything a healthy better pregnancy. With all they are doing with me this time I really feel that it is promising. I don't want to count my eggs before they are hatched, but I really think that this time is going to be different. I know that the lord has blessed us with this new bundle for a reason. I just need to sit back and put my trust in him. The last time I did that he gave me my beautiful little girl safe and sound :) Prayer works, and I know that he heard me when I prayed in the hospital every night to keep buying addison time. He did exactly that and did not let her struggle at all. I am grateful to be pregnant again, and be able to experience all that comes with it, even if mine are a little bumpy. I will soon start posting belly pics, but I don't quite have enough of a belly yet. So look for the first one in a few weeks, until then good night all.
Wow girl you are already on baby # 3!!! Congrats! I had no idea! That's really exciting. I'm just a week behind you!
I am so happy that everything is going so much better this time. Keep us posted!
miss you guys!
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