"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."
This ultrasoundsound was so exciting!! The little man looks awesome, and he is on TARGET! I don't want to ever get to excited, but I have to say it feels good to hear good stuff for once. There was a blood test they did on me to test my placenta about a week ago. It was to see if the placenta was having any problems yet. Well...... it came back negative they said they saw no signs of insufficiencies at this point. I was really excited to hear that, now granted this doesn't mean this pregnancy will go perfect, I'm just looking for better though :) Anyways I put the cutest little profile of the little man on this post, and I promised you all a belly pic for 17 weeks. So look below to see the belly pic of this little peanut. I wont lie I think my belly is already pretty big, but again I don't want to get my hopes up :) Well enjoy.......