"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."
Okay so wow I know what everyone is thinking the Duncan's are nuts! We were a little in shock when we heard that we were pregnant again!! We will have a 13 month old and a newborn wow. It will be a whole other journey in itself. Never the less now that it has all sank in a little Chris and I are very excited. We are sure hoping for a girl this time so we can have one of each. Keep your fingers crossed for us :) So I guess I will be posting about this pregnancy now to along with my little man and all the fun crazy things that he is doing. It seems crazy to think that I am going to love another baby just as much as little Devin, I know that I will and my heart will be so full of love I can't wait. You really will want to follow the Duncan's blog now because our lives are going to be loaded with chaos, but the good kind. Well mama is tired so goodnight all!