"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Condo Day 2"

So on day 2 ofcourse it was off to the pool! Now Devin hadn't really been in a pool yet. I mean we put him in last summer, and he hated it by the way. He was just so young that he doesn't remember. So this year being that he is almost 15 months old, we figured it would be way more fun. It really was the getting ready for the pool that was the funnest. Check out Dev below in little swimmer diapers, and little Addison in her stylish pool attire..... So dang cute, but hey I'm bias to them :)
So after all the chaos of getting ready for the pool, it was actually off to the pool :) Devin didn't love the pool at first. I think it was just the initial getting in, you know how cold that can be. So grandpa and mommy had to gently get Devin used to the water....

Once he got used to the water we couldn't get him out. He was totally loving being in the pool. I was so glad, because I didn't want him to be afraid of water at all. Well judging by the pictures below he wasn't (enjoy).......

So after all of the fun in the pool, Devin decided he wanted to bask in the sun with grandpa..... This is such a priceless picture :)

1 comment:

zac, kami & zion said...

That pool looks heavenly right about now! Glad you guys had fun!