"It is your reaction to adversity, not the adversity itself, that determines how your life's journey will develop."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Let The Weightloss Begin"

So this thursday is my 6 week postpartum appt. I really am looking forward to it. I'm hoping that all is good, and I will get the go ahead to be normal again :) now this includes good old working out. I truly cannot wait to be active again. I have literally been stipulated with bed rest since my 25th week of pregnancy uggghhh! Now I finally got my sassy little princess here healthy, and I can focus on my own body a bit. So I am quite embarassed that I put my weight on here, but I figure it will motivate me if I put it out there! So now the weight goal is to get back to what I was at my lowest ( right before getting prego with Addison) drum roll please....... 118lbs. okay okay so it isn't like I didn't get up there in weight this time, I just have dropped alot between delivery and breastfeeding. Amazing how much you lose, from what I understand you burn 500 calories a day pumping, or breastfeeding. I was right at 142lbs the day I delivered. So weeklyI will be weighing myself on Mondays, so watch for the weigh in updates. I am really hoping that 8 lbs wont take that long, but you never know with my obsession with sugary coke right now :).... Until Monday cross those fingers for me!!


Heather said...

Way to go!!! I can't believe how FAST you are losing it!

Erin said...

I WANT to weigh 125!!! That made me laugh! Good luck my dear, and your family is beautiful!

Aubrey Smith said...

Oh my word, I should have checked earlier! Congratulations! She's so cute! Aren't the ribbons and bows so fun! I'm sure you've already noticed how much fun it is to shop for a girl:) Way to go, on having 2 kids under 18 months!

zac, kami & zion said...

Good luck! I can't wait to start dieting and losing weight. Gaining weight, even when it's to grow a baby, is a bit depressing. I'm sure you'll have the last couple lbs off in no time!